Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Two Young Male Actors

A sequel to Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and second movie of a trilogy was nothing but spectacular. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was the most action packed movie out of the three. The movie continued where the first movie had left off, and it begins with Frodo, Sam, and Golem (also known as Smiggle) journeying their way to Mordor. Elijah Wood played the hobbit Frodo Baggins, and throughout the trilogy he was the ring carrier and was given the task to destroy the ring. Like Richard Corliss and Richard Schickel said from Time, “But the film’s true battle is between Frodo the Hobbit (Elijah Wood) and the great Ring in his care. Frodo can feel its power to sap and seduce.”

The whole story is surrounding the ring, and Frodo (Elijah Woods) plays the biggest part of the movie. He’s the ring carrier and the character is tempted and is restless with the ring surrounding his neck. Wood being one of the attractive male actors on set plays Frodo Baggins character quite well. From The Adventures of Huck Finn to Spy Kids 3D: Game Over, Wood is a very versatile actor. Wood has to play a hobbit that is becoming weaker and less able to withstand the ring as he travels to Mordor. He struggles to trust between friend and foe. Sure, Golem (and his other personality Smiggle) helps guide Frodo to the black gates, but all throughout the journey he wants the ring for himself. Frodo gives Golem a chance and trusts him, but then struggles to listen to Sam, his companion hobbit. Wood does a very good job at acting weak and vulnerable. He is able to make himself look restless and paranoid of everything around him. When the Ringwraith goes flying through the swamp searching for the ring, he’s acting of the pain the Ringwraith left him was very believable. Holding onto the place where the Ringwraith had cut him and rolling his eyes back showed how much pain he was in. Frodo was a job well done by Wood.

The story also follows Aragon (Viggo Mortensen), Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and Gimli (John Rhys-Davies). The trio tries and follows Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd) and end up at Rohan trying to save the king Theoden (Bernard Hill) from the evil grasps of Saruman (Christopher Lee). Saruman wants to take Rohan down, and the trio stays and fights. Legolas played by Orlando Bloom (another very attractive male actor) made his debut in The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring. He didn’t play any other major roles in movies before the trilogy. Behind the scenes Bloom was seen as a very outgoing and adventurous person. He did a lot of extreme sports and was said to have made some injuries while doing them. Bloom seemed to be like any other boy, very into sports, getting tattoos, and getting mohawks. His wild personality was not seen on film. The elf prince Legolas is a beautiful and very graceful character. He was also very strong in battle. The scene where Legolas skateboards down the stairs on a shield, while shooting arrows repeatedly was one of the times who got to see a little of the real Bloom. Yet, Bloom was able to play an elf prince beautifully. With his graceful strides, and effortless speech he was able to portray what an elf prince should be like. Who knew, underneath the tights, armor, blue eyes, and long blonde hair laid a versatile actor.

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