Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Day After Tomorrow

One of my favorite movies is The Day After Tomorrow. The movie is about the effects of global warming. One of the main characters named Sam Hall (Jake Gyllenhaal) travels to New York City and during his stay there he gets trapped in a snow storm. The storm didn't effect New York alone, but also other parts of the world. Sam's dad, Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a climatoglists and he tried to pursue the president that a new ice age will come if people don't start taking care of the environment. The ice age came earlier then expected, and Sam is trapped in New York. Jack heads off to New York by foot because the weather was to harsh for other means of transport.

This movie was what got me interested in global warming. Yes, the movie was over dramatic, but a message was being sent to the audience. Other then the big issue of global warming, I enjoyed it because it was overall a really good movie to watch. Unlike Cloverfield that made me sick watching it, The Day After Tomorrow kept my attention the whole time. I thought the plotting of the movie was good. There are some movies that are really easy to predict, but The Day After Tomorrow threw some little things at you. It wasn't just all action, there was also some humor in the movie which, I thought, made the movie good. Also Jake Gyllenhaal was in it, and who doesn't like Jake Gyllenhaal?

Except the critics say different. The Day After Tomorrow didn't get a whole lot of great reviews, and got rated 48 out of 100 based on 39 reviews. Roger Ebert thought the movie was silly, but it was also very scary because of the amazing special effects. Other critics said that even the most meteorologically challenged person is now hooked onto the weather channel. So the movie did have a huge impact on what people thought of global warming through its great special effects. Overall critics thought the movie was goofy, but it sent the message through saying that global warming exists.

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