Thursday, February 7, 2008

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I chose a clip from the movie A Walk to Remember. When Landon finds out that his girlfriend, Jamie, has leukemia he didn't know what to do. He frantically drives over to his dad's house hoping to get help. Landon's dad is a doctor and he asks his dad to look at Jamie, but Landon's dad told him he couldn't help Jamie because he didn't know her condition. Once Landon hears that his dad isn't able to help, he gets into his car and drives off. The camera is close-up to Landon's face the whole time while he's driving. We are able to see the expression on his face, and seeing that we are able to set the mood of the scene. The close-up wasn't the only thing that contributed to the sad and emotional mood, but the lighting as well. The close-up had a dark lighting that set the mood even more. It made the situation seem hopeless and the character himself look desperate for help. The close-up and dark lighting together was able to convey that Landon didn't know what to do. He didn't want to lose Jamie and we were able to see that through the scene.

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